The CLA-VAL e-FlowMeter is a vortex shedding insertion flow meter designed to be factory assembled or retrofitted into a
CLA-VAL Automatic Control Valve to provide accurate flow measurement data without the need to install a separate meter.
Configured to be installed in the inlet tapping of a CLA-VAL Automatic Control Valve, the e-FlowMeter can be used in
valves directly downstream of a turbulent flow such as elbows, valves or reducers. The e-FlowMeter employs an innovative
and patented swivel mechanism allowing the meter to be inserted into tappings as small as 1/2".
The e-FlowMeter measures and transmits flow information as a 4-20 mA signal, digital pulse or pulse. It can be directly
connected to a SCADA system, various market loggers or products in the CLA-VAL e-Line range.
Retrofits on inlet body tapping of a CLA-VAL control valve
Alleviates the need for an external meter and the associated installation costs
Simple insertion into a CLA-VAL valve
IP68 Submersible
Stainless Steel as standard
No moving parts
Outputs: 4-20 mA, digital pulse or pulse
Independent laboratory tested