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We offer a range of sheet steel Column Pillars and Cabinets.

  • Three standard sizes available (other sizes on request)
  • Manufactured in 3mm steel (5mm on request)
  • Hot-Dipped galvanised
  • Powder Coated Green as standard to BS 4800 14C39
  • Cabinet doors fitted with double Tri-Head locks
  • WBP 18mm plywood backboard fitted
  • (fully removable when required through the door)
  • Recessed ‘hidden’ vents & hinges
  • Earth Strap fitted to door and frame
  • Door seals rated to IP65
  • Kiosk Shell manufactured from non-coumbustible materials
  • All cabinet interiors built to customer specification
  • Insulation (optional extra)
  • Insulation Thermal Transmittance rating of 1.5w/m2K
  • Tri-Head locks as standard
  • (other locks on request)
  • Flush fitting doors
  • Radiused corners
  • Ventilated cabinet
  • Cabinet removable from plinth on site
  • Earth strap fitted between cabinet and door
  • Pillars & Cabinets Sizes

    Width (cabinet size): 450mm 700mm 1200mm
    Height (above ground): 600mm 1020mm 1200mm
    Depth (external size): 300mm 350mm 400mm
    Root (below ground): 300mm 300mm 300mm
    Number of doors: 1 No. 1 No. 2 No.
    Backboard (internal ‘fitting’ size): 400x480mm 600x920mm 1100x1100mm
    Depth (internal ‘working’ size): 265mm 315mm 365mm
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