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IPL group is a provider of essential infrastructure products and solutions to state bodies and national utilities. We remain open and working to ensure the essential requirements of all our customers are not disrupted during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

All staff are fully trained and equipped to meet Covid-19 guidelines and safe work practices. IPL group offices, manufacturing facilities, warehouses and service fleet have been risk assessed and adapted to minimise the risk of Covid-19 infection. Management and staff are regularly briefed and actively committed to following Government and trusted international advice on mitigating the spread and impact of the Coronavirus in our workplace and in our communities.

We hope each of you are well and that we collectively build and manage safe systems of work.

Our staff are available to assist you on quotations, answer questions and give ongoing support for both current and up and coming projects. IPL group remain committed to providing you with the best technical services, quality products and infrastructure solutions.

Brian Delaney
Sales Manager
Mobile: 087 131 4662
Ken Clinton
Technical Sales
Mobile: 087 927 7402
Gerry Kelly
Technical Sales
Mobile: 087 170 0633
Eoin Kiely
Technical Sales
Mobile: 087 788 3806
Damien Cordial
Business Development Manager
Water & Instrumentation
Mobile: 087 9480 449
David Mullaniff
Sales Manager
Mobile: 087 900 6240
Thomas McDonald
Business Development Manager
Roads & Street Furniture
Mobile: 087 960 0538

For urgent assistance please call:

Emergency Product Supply: 087 927 7402

Emergency Service Work: 087 953 9981

We thank you for your cooperation and remain committed to providing you with the best technical services, quality products and infrastructure solutions.

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