HAWLE / KRAMMER Underground Fire-Hydrant BS 750, PN16
Design lifetime: 50 years
Inside and Outside Fluidised Bed Epoxy Powder Coated, permanently third party tested by the “Association For High Quality Corrosion Protection” / Hanover, Germany
Minimum coating thickness: 300 microns
Zero porosity (zero pinholes)
Minimum adhesion: 12 N/mm²
Lifetime maintenance & service free
Due to the unique wedge guiding system the operating torque is just 35Nm at PN16 bar which ensures easy operation also after decades.
(operating torques lower than all currently KAHRAMAA approved BS 750 Hydrants)
Hydrant made in Austria which assures top product quality and low delivery times.
Coupling (Claw) made of high grade stainless steel 1.4301.
Spindle made of stainless steel 1.4021.
Sealing piston made of Brass Ms58.
In the sealing area the piston is encapsulated with vulcanized rubber.
Optionally available with automatic drainage function to avoid remaining “dead water” in the hydrant.
Hawle 10 years warranty! - Safety and cost control for consultants, contractors and end users.
(operating torques lower than all currently KAHRAMAA approved BS 750 Hydrants)